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New WP themes are in production

Sub­scribe to Bold Themes newslet­ter to get a noti­fi­ca­tion once a new WP theme is online. We promise not to spam!
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The startup gets a new
& professional look

Applauz includes 6 mod­ern home tem­plates for your use, as well as 3 addi­tion­al count­down pages for your projects you can install with one-click import tool.

Fast loading

Our theme makes your site faster and more mobile-friend­ly. Com­bined with oth­er indus­try stan­dard tools you will be able to opti­mize your site fol­low­ing web best prac­tices and excel on speed tests.

Easy layout customization

Applauz sup­ports fea­tures that make it easy to adapt pages to the needs of your start­up business.
Menus & headers
Applauz theme is equipped with dif­fer­ent menus & head­ers styles. Use sim­ple hor­i­zon­tal head­er or one of 8 oth­er styles.
Cus­tom icons
Cus­tom cre­at­ed icons craft­ed for star­tups, cre­ativ­i­ty, team­work, includ­ing the most pop­u­lar ones like FontAwe­some or Icon 7 Stroke.
Google Fonts
All Google fonts are at your dis­pos­al for free use. Togeth­er with two dif­fer­ent accent col­ors you are all set to go and unleash your creativity.

Portfolio posts

Show off your prod­ucts or your ser­vices by using spe­cial port­fo­lio post view. It allows you to show infor­ma­tion, design, process and prod­uct per­for­mances in a more cre­ative way. Cre­ate your own cus­tom con­tent, gal­leries, carousels and many more.

Great looking website

Wher­ev­er you’ll look it at, Applauz will look sharp and sleek. Because it’s mobile & tablet ready.
Ful­ly responsive
Every sin­gle fea­ture and page ele­ment will look good on the screens of tablets and mobile phones.
Reti­na ready
Applauz theme is built for reti­na dis­plays and enables reti­na-ready logos and head­er graphics.
Mobile friend­ly
Applauz theme is ful­ly respon­sive and will look per­fect whichev­er device you’re using.

Save time
Use Bold Builder!

Best prac­tices on the mar­ket col­lect­ed in one page builder.

Bold Builder is a free Word­Press page builder. It’s inte­grat­ed with Applauz theme and it fea­tures drag and drop inter­face, many con­tent ele­ments, clip­board func­tion­al­i­ty and has the fastest user inter­face around. Your opin­ion mat­ters to us – give it a try and let us know your opinion.

Helping your startups grow

Applauz is pow­er­ful Word­Press theme made for star­tups, appli­ca­tions, cre­atives, and is there to get your busi­ness run­ning the easy way.

Awesome Reviews

Great com­ments and cus­tomer reviews are well earned.
Here are just some of them.

I love the lay­out and fea­si­bil­i­ty to edit the con­tent using the bold builder. I would rec­om­mend this theme because the cus­tomer sup­port is quick to respond to any ques­tions about the theme. thanks!

on Fast Food theme

This theme’s demo was exact­ly what our client was look­ing for. We were able to give the exact design they were look­ing for while still being able to brand it for them. Great theme!

on Indus­tri­al theme

Theme has awe­some design, it’s easy to install and I got onto work­ing with it quick­ly and eas­i­ly. Con­tent is already pre­pared, which made my life much easier.

on Wheel­co theme

Theme is very well designed, it has a lot of fea­tures, it is very very cus­tomiz­able (page builder is neat), and on top of all, if you have any prob­lem, sup­port is more than pro­fes­sion­al and eager to help.

on Fit­ness Club theme

One of the very best magazines/newspaper themes, very clean and classy. And the cus­tomer sup­port is awe­some! This is the 2nd time I use a theme from BoldThemes and I’m com­plete­ly sat­is­fied with the result!

on Bold News theme

This theme has excel­lent cus­tomer sup­port! They get back to me as soon as I need some­thing with a detailed answer. The theme is also real­ly easy to cus­tomize and edit. I would def­i­nite­ly rec­om­mend it for a novice designer.

on Organ­ic Food theme

The cus­tomer sup­port is by far the best. I have pur­chased lot of items in enva­to. This is one of the best cus­tomer sup­port i received. The qual­i­ty of the web­site also are very good. I will give a rec­om­men­da­tion to pur­chase this item!

on Finance theme

Online Documentation

What’s under the hood? Browse our online doc­u­men­ta­tion here and find out what you’ll get in the package.